January 22, 2025

Illuzzi Letter

Envisioning And Creating Your Dream Home

Putting a Roof Over Your Iguana’s Head

Putting a Roof Over Your Iguana’s Head

So, you have decided you want an iguana as a pet, but do you know what it entails to house a reptile that can sometimes be moody and aggressive? You will find that you need to prepare a lot of space for it. It is possible that housing an iguana will cost more than buying the animal itself.

When you are thinking of getting an iguana cage for your new pet, it doesn’t necessarily have to be made of wire, as the word “cage” suggests. It can be housed in a glass, Perspex or wooden enclosure as long as it can protect your pet from danger and live comfortably. If building a wooden cage, aromatic woods like cedar contain oils that are toxic should be avoided.

It is important to remember that they can grow very rapidly in the first few months of their lives. You should prepare a large enough enclosure so that you don’t wind up changing cages every 2 weeks! Most shops recommend a 20 gallon aquarium tank as a starter iguana enclosure.

The material which you use to line your iguana cage should be selected with care as well. It is absolutely imperative for you to avoid particulate lining materials such as soil, gravel, soil and rocks. All this can be eaten by your iguana and cause a potentially fatal obstruction when impacted in the intestines. A good lining material is newspaper or artificial grass.

Your pet will also appreciate it greatly if you provide a little hiding place for it in its cage. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy; any container that is big enough for your pet to enter and turn around in will do just fine.

When you’re looking for an iguana cage for you reptile, don’t even think of skimping on size. You wouldn’t want to be confined to a tiny box, and neither does your pet!